Your opinion of me doesn’t matter… A life update!

Regan Brown
2 min readJul 6, 2020

Last week, I stumbled across a bible study for young adults known as the porch! Needless to say, it couldn’t have fallen into my lap at the most perfect time. God’s timing is always perfect, so as most of you know the second I heard about it, I couldn’t wait to share it with y’all! I expected backlash on my channel without a doubt, but what I didn’t realize was all of the positive feedback, on how much better my mental state looked.

Thank y’all so much for being patient with me as I approach this life differently than before. I’m still the same positive person that you have come to know and love. Just with thicker tougher skin! There’s going to be huge changes coming in my future, starting with not giving a care about what people think about me as a person or otherwise. The truth of the matter is I don’t need negativity in my life at this time. I’m not here, to be put down just so you can feel better about yourself, that’s not going to happen. Not now, or ever! If anyone has a problem with my opinion they can speak to me directly. What people think about me, is NOT my business.

On to some happy news, I caught the bouquet at our friends’ wedding Saturday night, and everyone there had a huge time! I also got to catch up with friends who I hadn’t seen in about a year so that’s always a great time as well! I hope y’all had a safe and happy fourth of July!



Regan Brown

Hey, y’all!I’m a southern belle from Texas, with a touch of cerebral palsy, and a huge love for coffee! Believer in Christ. Special needs writer, and YouTuber.