What my Journey as a Beachbody coach has taught me over the last year

Regan Brown
2 min readOct 1, 2020

You don’t have to be in college to be part of a sisterhood. I’ve learned so much through the women that I have gotten to know on a weekly basis through our team meetings and personal check-ins. While working out and being a part of something bigger than myself was just the start of it. These women have taught me so much more about myself through prayer. I love being a part of the Sister Empire, and can’t wait to meet them in person in the future.

It’s about so much more than just nutrition and fitness, it’s a group of friendships that will truly last forever, and for that, I’m forever grateful that the Lord granted me this business opportunity, and I’ve been patiently waiting while people sit back and watch my transformation from the inside out. I’ve gone from being swollen overweight and depressed, to cutting out certain foods (eggs, egg whites, and wheat due to food sensitivity issues), and living my best life.

Beachbody has also taught me how to be happy for others, even if it hasn’t happened for me yet! *I’m currently still trying to nail my first challenge pack sale*. It’s taught me the true value of patients and happiness. I understand from our compensation plan, that we have the potential to bring home a check every Thursday, and our leaders shower with gifts and treat us whenever we hit achievements, and I’m so excited for the day that it’ll happen for me and MY TEAM!



Regan Brown

Hey, y’all!I’m a southern belle from Texas, with a touch of cerebral palsy, and a huge love for coffee! Believer in Christ. Special needs writer, and YouTuber.