my 2020 year in Review

Regan Brown
Mar 14, 2021

Dear God-

This past year was not easy on anyone at all. I had a friend pass away from a car accident in March, as well as not being able to work at my day program, our ACTS was pushed back once again, until covid decides to clear itself out for good. My mom was also bitten by a snake in October, which meant that we had to push our Magnolia trip until a nicer date in the spring or summertime. (She has since fully recovered and is doing well).

I am also trying to find the positive in other situations as well, but things just keep coming right at me, I can’t seem to get ahead of any of this! But I’m really trying to be more positive about every situation lately, I just need a major boost!!!!




Regan Brown

Hey, y’all!I’m a southern belle from Texas, with a touch of cerebral palsy, and a huge love for coffee! Believer in Christ. Special needs writer, and YouTuber.